Jess, the guy who once was. Who goes to another school. Who likes to act in plays, write poetry, sometimes calls me late at night, sends me letters out of the blue. Only, I've heard he has a girlfriend. And its hard being just his friend.
OK, I care about my Mom a lot. I want her to be happy. I know its hard for her right now. But I think she'll be happy one day.
Jay lives up the street. I see him around. He lives with his sister. I think. He works at the grocery store too. He works in the deli.
Will, he's my cousin, who just has us at the moment. He came back from being in the Air Force. Seems you can't really work that long in the military these days, either. Anyway, I thought he came to see my dad who isn't here anymore. Guess I was wrong.
Angie, Will's potential date, if they ever meet. I work with her, and she's smart, and witty, and possibly perfect for Will. But they just might not be on the same page about anything.
Sasha, I couldn't ask for a better friend, but we don't always see eye to eye, and I don't have the same taste in guys like she does.

Wren lives next door. He hides in his apartment a lot.